Popsicle Stick Catapults


This project aims to build a simple catapult using everyday materials such as popsicle sticks, rubber bands, and a plastic spoon. Through this hands-on activity, students will learn about the principles of force, energy, and motion in a fun and engaging way.

Scientific interpretation

When you pull back the spoon, you are storing energy in the rubber bands. This stored energy is called potential energy. When you let go of the spoon, the potential energy changes into kinetic energy, which makes the paper ball or softball fly through the air. This project helps you understand how energy can change from one form to another and how forces like tension and motion work.

Material Required

Sr No. Item NameQuantity
1Popsicle Sticks12
2Rubber Bands10
3Plastic Spoon or Bottle Lid ( Use from home )1
4Marble for launching ( Use from home )1


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